IMPORTANT: New Traffic Pattern for arriving and departing the venue. Read the details.

Weather Policy

All shows will go on rain or shine. What this means is that if we encounter some wet weather, the show goes on. If there’s rough weather that requires us to temporarily pause the show, we’ll send everyone to their cars until it blows over.

The venue is on-call with a dedicated meteorologist watching the venue’s specific weather conditions and trends and will advise us on when it’s safe to return to the venue.

During this time, you can watch our official social media for updates for when it’s safe to come back and resume the concert. We’ll also have an opt-in text message system you can use to get our show weather updates.

Important: Don’t leave the concert or parking lot, even if other people decide to, or if you see some venue staff leaving (their shift might be over and that doesn’t mean the concert is canceled). Please wait until you see an official social post, text message or message board telling you the event is over (most of the time severe weather is temporary and the concert continues later).

The venue will keep our fans notified via our social channels: @firstbankamp

If you purchased your ticket through Ticketmaster, we have your contact information for weather notifications. If you purchased from some other ticket seller you can text INFO to 615-813-6873 to be added to the weather communications list for this concert.